Our third party testing service is ideal for development and compliance engineers lacking their own EMC equipment. The use of our facility includes a compliance engineer, to undertake the tests required by your product. We will provide hard copy results of the tests undertaken where applicable. We charge our EMC facility by the hour (inclusive of equipment setup times) with a minimum of 2 hours.
The withdrawal of the aging ITE standard EN 55022:1998 is likely to occur during the summer of 2007. Our EMC emissions capability is able to measure up to 18GHz, which will become a requirement of the new standard for all IT equipment which could potentially radiate over 1GHz. Testing to the existing standard may be unwise, especially if your equipment radiates above 1GHz. Prosecutions have taken place in these instances when product was deemed not to meet the essential protection requirements of the directive. In short, if a product radiates above 1GHz and could potentially cause problems you should test higher!